Visit 104ehr.netAccording to "Whois 104ehr.net", 104ehr is owned by Redacted for GDPR privacy since 2023. 104ehr was registered with DropCatch.com 1432 LLC on March 15, 2023. Redacted for GDPR privacy resides in Redacted for GDPR privacy, China and their email is BiotechLicense.net@NameBrightPrivacy.com.
Earlier, 104 Ehr owners included REDACTED FOR PRIVACY of 一零四資訊科技股份有限公司 in 2018, 104 GROUP of 104 GROUP in 2013 and 104 GROUP 3F. No.119 Baojhong Rd. in 2012 and Shanghai Askforce Human Resources Co Ltd 88 Keyuan Road. Pudong . later that year.
The current 104ehr.net owner and other personalities/entities that used to own this domain in the past are listed below.
If you would like to share more "whois" details on 104ehr with us, please contact us!
104ehr.net whois history
Redacted for GDPR privacy Owner since March 18, 2023 |
9 months ago Expired on March 15, 2024 |
1 year old Created on March 15, 2023 |
Registrar and Status
Registar | DROPCATCH.COM 1432 LLC |
Status |
clientTransferProhibited ok |
Owner | Registrar | Status |
Redacted for GDPR privacy March 18, 2023 |
DropCatch.com 1432 LLC |
clientTransferProhibited ok |
REDACTED FOR PRIVACY 一零四資訊科技股份有限公司 September 01, 2018 |
Gandi SAS |
clientTransferProhibited |
104 GROUP November 14, 2013 |
Network Solutions, LLC. |
pendingTransfer |
104 GROUP 3F., No.119, Baojhong Rd. October 25, 2012 |
Shanghai Askforce Human Resources Co Ltd 88, Keyuan Road. Pudong . May 17, 2012 |
If you are 104ehr owner and would like to increase privacy protection level for your data - please, deal with DropCatch.com 1432 LLC which is your site’s registrar.
Whois history of 104ehr.net is provided using publicly open domain data.